Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Prelude: Asatsuyu no Ryokan

Hida Ganku - a lively Crab clan warrior
Daidoji Jinsoku - a Kakita trained duelist from the Crane
Doji Natsuki - a world-wise Crane courtier
Yoritomo Shohei - A minor clan samurai burdened with a child.
    Doji Chi - an infant given into the care of Shohei.

Kuni Kobayashi - a wandering Crab clan Shugenja

A group of travelers brought together by circumstances, the four (and one) are seen into the Morning Dew Ryokan at the start of a series of unfortunate events.
Not only are the pools poisoned, leading to some unrest, but a peaceful evening of entertainment at the hands of renowned geisha Crescent is disrupted by an attack of black-garbed peasants.
Though attempts are made by the group, the true culprit behind the attacks remains a mystery. 
What the party does discover is that Crescent likely finds herself the target of worshippers of Lord Moon, the old deity that fathered the kami before trying to end them.

Impressed with their skill at investigation, Shosuro Jocho - son of the governing lady of Ryoko Owari no Toshi - asks the group if they would be willing to fill the tabi of the previous Emerald Magistrate Ashidaka Naritoki.
Whether he does this because they failed to find the culprit or because he is genuinely impressed remains to be seen. Maybe it is just all a way to keep the reputation of the Ryokan up.
Whatever the case is, it seems like all roads lead to glory, fame and fortune for the four (and one). 

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Session 11: At the gates of the Floating World

 Party: Daidoji Jinsoku, Doji Natsuki, Hida Ganko, Togashi Amajino, Yoritomo Shohei The party finds themselves escorting the Geisha Crescent...