Saturday, June 1, 2024

NPCs at Asatsuyu no Ryokan

Samurai (in residence)

Shosuro Yanada - Lady of the House
    Shosuro Meijo - Wetnurse, alerted Yoritomo Shohei to some samurai behaving strangely.

Yogo Babana - Scorpion Clan Shugenja. Long time friend of Yanada.

Heimin (in residence)

Ghifu - an odd painter, very distracted. 

Hinin (in residence)

Leather - an Eta who helped examine the 'ninja' corpses.

Notable Guests

Shosuro Jocho - Scorpion Clan Bushi. Son of the governess of Ryoko Owari

Moto Hibari - Unicorn Clan Bushi, was involved in the geisha's event, brash and impetuous.
Ide Hojo - Unicorn Clan Diplomat.

Matsu Mizuki - Lion Clan Yojimbo
Kitsu Shunsen - Lion Clan Diplomat

Shiba Rei - Phoenix Clan Yojimbo, stood guard after Doji Natsuki fainted
Isawa Iye - Phoenix Clan Shugenja?
Asako Suzu - Phoenix Clan monk, enjoyed the unusual entertainment at Crescent's table.

Daidoji Mamoru - Crane Clan Scout, bantered with the party about the house.

Togashi Hogai - Dragon Clan tattooed monk, tried to talk to Hida Ganku.

Crescent - A geisha of some renown, seeking to improve her standing by joining a House of Teardrop Island.

Guests that disappeared

Bayushi Kurin
Mirumoto Kurokun
Akodo Bijigo



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