The group decides to curtail the chaos of the city and the many distractions the City of Green Walls throws at them, and spends some time to sort through their current issues.
The following are pinpointed:
*How to solve the current sudden opium violence?
*Who killed the previous Emerald Magistrate (Ashidaka Naritoki)?
*How to save Doji Chi?
*What about Fade?
Ganko suspects that the opium issue is likely to be a family struggle in the Scorpion Clan, where the party may eventually be called upon to pick a side.
Kakita Dozé (one of the few remaining original hires from Daidoji Jinsoku's wife) has found a group of three likely new candidates. As these appear to all be vapid teenage girls, Jinsoku impresses that their abilities will reflect on Dozé's ability to estimate talent. Dozé seems properly motivated to provide the youthful servants training and he will be judged within due time on the results.
Going through the paperwork, Shohei finds that the price of opium has jumped over night with the recent attacks. And most of the trading seems focused on acquiring whatever people can get from the poppy harvests.
The gang then heads to Shosuro Hyobu (after being picked up by their good friend Jocho and his Lightning Squad) and talk through the issues ahead of them. Oni, opium and Fade all get talked about, and Hyobu offers servants to support their household, should the new hires fail.
As the party leaves, Amajino and Ganko spy a paper crane flying away on the wind from Hyobu's window sill. Also, a portrait displaying Hyobu's late husband (Shosuro Akitada) in the entrance hall of the Shosuro Castle reminds Amajino strongly of Ganko.
As the party leaves, Amajino and Ganko spy a paper crane flying away on the wind from Hyobu's window sill. Also, a portrait displaying Hyobu's late husband (Shosuro Akitada) in the entrance hall of the Shosuro Castle reminds Amajino strongly of Ganko.
Still plotting their next step, the gang then turns their attention to the Juniper Teahouse (run by the Soshi cartel-affiliated Moment's Edge Firemen), but decide to first head to the Shosuro compound that was raided yesterday. They find Bimyo, a merchant who seems to be more aware of things happening than they expected. A guard does cast a certain amount of doubt on whatever testimony Bimyo gave, painting him more as a sniveling coward than a brave servant of the Shosuro.
Leaving the compound, the gang bumps into a familiar face, the geisha Crescent (whom they first met at the Ryokan), being pursued by a gang of Moon Cult thugs. The group captures one and meets with a samurai-ko from the Lion clan. She urges the group to bring Crescent back to Teardrop Island as she seeks out more information on the Moon Cult and their targets.
The gang brings the surviving cultist back to the Shosuro compound to have him securely locked up and sets their sights on the Floating World.
The gang brings the surviving cultist back to the Shosuro compound to have him securely locked up and sets their sights on the Floating World.
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