Party: Daidoji Jinsoku, Doji Natsuki, Yoritomo Shohei, Hida Ganko
As the party recovers from the slightly unusual night, with Jinsoku-san asking Kakita Doze to seek out new hires to replace the lost members of the household, they receive with their morning post an invitation to the House of Foreign Stories. They respond that they will visit in the near future.
Yoritomo Shohei takes it upon himself to check the merchant missives and manifestos, while requests for travel papers are shared within the party to check and stamp.
As the day starts picking up, the group head for the Brilliant Cascade Teahouse, a charming place in the Temple District, to get a feel for what is going on. On the way there, they meet up with Isawa Nagitoro in the temple to Osano-Wo and check off some theories about the attacks from the night before.
A red-robed figure is spied observing the group, but gets away before they can catch up.
At the Brilliant Cascade Teahouse, Shosuro Kimi and Ide Asamitsu are noted as present, as well as a lion samurai-ko known as Matsu Mizuki, but before much can be said, a group of opium-addicts attempt to kidnap the daughter of Hyobu, injuring Asamitsu. They have an escape carriage outside with more of their number, but the party makes quick work of this situation through Kakita training, kama to the face and thrown Tetsubo, with Kimi asking for the surviving attackers to be taken hostage. Suicide pills are employed by the addicts, but one does not get a chance to take it and will be brought in for interrogation by the Emerald Magistrates.
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