Saturday, November 30, 2024

Session 6: Brilliant Cascade Trouble

 Party: Daidoji Jinsoku, Doji Natsuki, Yoritomo Shohei, Hida Ganko

As the party recovers from the slightly unusual night, with Jinsoku-san asking Kakita Doze to seek out new hires to replace the lost members of the household, they receive with their morning post an invitation to the House of Foreign Stories. They respond that they will visit in the near future.
Yoritomo Shohei takes it upon himself to check the merchant missives and manifestos, while requests for travel papers are shared within the party to check and stamp.

As the day starts picking up, the group head for the Brilliant Cascade Teahouse, a charming place in the Temple District,  to get a feel for what is going on. On the way there, they meet up with Isawa Nagitoro in the temple to Osano-Wo and check off some theories about the attacks from the night before.

A red-robed figure is spied observing the group, but gets away before they can catch up.
At the Brilliant Cascade Teahouse, Shosuro Kimi and Ide Asamitsu are noted as present, as well as a lion samurai-ko known as Matsu Mizuki, but before much can be said, a group of opium-addicts attempt to kidnap the daughter of Hyobu, injuring Asamitsu. They have an escape carriage outside with more of their number, but the party makes quick work of this situation through Kakita training, kama to the face and thrown Tetsubo, with Kimi asking for the surviving attackers to be taken hostage. Suicide pills are employed by the addicts, but one does not get a chance to take it and will be brought in for interrogation by the Emerald Magistrates. 

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Session 5: The Investigation

 Party: Hida Ganko, Yoritomo Shohei, Doji Natsuki, Togashi Amajino 

We rejoin the party as Daidoji Jinsoku recluses himself to cleanse his blade from the tainted blood, not wanting the foul traces of Fu Leng's spawn to bring corruption to the soul of his ancestors. 
As the crane warrior heads inside, Kitsuki Jotomon spots a wandering Togashi monk in the street. 
Calling him over, she learns the man was sent by Togashi Yokuni (the Dragon Clan champion) himself, in accordance with some greater vision, and helps with the introduction to the Emerald Magistrates before heading back to her dojo.

The discussion about the oni picks up and various theories are brought forth, enabled in part by the expertise of both the monk (given name Amajino) and Ganko, but also the insight of Shohei, who find the porcelain masked undead from the Ryokan holding a spot in his mind. Both Shohei and Natsuki are rather convinced a Maho-Tsukai (bloodspeaker) is involved, a theory both Crab and Dragon subscribe to without any doubt.
Before long, the group deduces tainted nemuranai (artefacts) have likely acted as a lodestone for the oni to attack the house. They find two obsidian items in the house, both bloodied (a crow in the bedroll of Yoritomo-san and a sharp knife in the kitchen), and a rat impaled under the table (throat slashed and eyes gouged out).
Hida Ganko worries Doji Chi was the actual target of the attack.

As the party briefs Amajino on the happenings in the city, he considers their plight. As a group, they come up with a plan to celebrate the Liberation Day festival by offering the samurai guard new armour. All guards will have to come to a muster and the old uniforms will be clearly defunct, bypassing the theft. Then, the guards will have a victory parade through the city, honouring their efforts in keeping the city safe.

With the oni corpses slowing degrading into a black slush, the group seek a shugenja to banish the spirits and purify the grounds, calling Shosuro Jocho over from his patrol to arrange for one.
In little time, Isawa Nagitoro and his yojimbo Shiba Ni arrive to perform the duty.
After this, the group retires for the night, ready to face the city another day.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Session 4: An ember started rarely dims

Party: Daidoji Jinsoku, Doji Natsuki, Hida Ganko, Yoritomi Shohei

Returning from their encounter with the Kajikun, the emerald magistrates finds themselves... waylaid by folk on the street.
Firemen, in various guises, start bumping the group into a part of the street for a confrontation.
The party, however, proves very adept at dispatching the aggressors, Ganko and Jinsoku showing what warriors trained from birth to fight are able to do to the lower classes. 
Shohei, having put his body on the line to protect Natsuki, gets bandaged up a bit.

Injured, but content to have proven their martial prowess, they continue on home only to find the ringing of blade on otherworldly claw and carapace. 
Having noted some suspicious activity around the house, both Kitsuki Jotomon and Shosuro Jocho had made their way into the house while unknown shadow-creatures (presumed to be oni) were attacking the household staff.  Bassai and Dai, the twins, lay dead at the entrance, while the Kakita (Doze) was injured.
Jotomon-sensei had rushed to the defense of the young Doji Chi, eventually found there by the group as they sought to first find her. The Lightning Squad that accompanied Jocho had engaged with the attackers in the kitchen, inadvertently saving Flower and Hyogeki from them. 

As the party headed outside to escape the chaos and bring Chi-hime to safety, they noted red eyes in the shadows of the street, with more Oni approaching.
Without too much thinking, the group split in two. One set heading back inside to grab jade to combat the creatures (relying on Ganko's knowledge of the foe), the other holding the line to buy time. Jocho, having cleared the kitchen, joins up with the outside party and eventually the tainted beings from the Shadowlands are purged from the street.  

Session 11: At the gates of the Floating World

 Party: Daidoji Jinsoku, Doji Natsuki, Hida Ganko, Togashi Amajino, Yoritomo Shohei The party finds themselves escorting the Geisha Crescent...