Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Session 2: Merchants and Nobles

 Party: Daidoji Jinsuko, Doji Natsuki, Hida Ganko, Yoritomo Shohei

We find our heroes as they investigate the crime scene, learning about a dangerous bandit known to locals as "Fade". There is some doubt as to why bandits would ambush guards, but subterfuge is suspected. After all, whoever has the armour of the guard can impersonate them so much easier.
The group meet Hatchet, a local butcher, after speaking to Suisen for a while, learning that "Fade" can be asked to solve problems for the common folk by writing his name on a piece of paper and leaving it at a shrine.  
Azami and Horse, two merchants running the Golden Sunrise take a keen interest in the noble Shohei, as he would make an ideal patron for their horses and milk business. He takes it into consideration.

The gang then goes shopping for clothes at the Dove's Embrace, in order to make a good impression on the Scorpion hosts. All but Ganko grab some new get-up, but Jinsuko sets up a few insults to the hosts as a show of confidence in the abilities of the Crane Clan to perform better than the Scorpion.
As the group moves to the meeting, weapons are brought and Kakita Doze joins to safeguard the weapons rather than allow the Scorpion guards to handle them.
Jocho, mildly annoyed by this breach of etiquette, leads the group to the secondary waiting room where his sister (Shosuro Kimi) is seated, rather than the main one where Bayushi Korechika and Soshi Seiryoku were brought.

Gracefully accepting the house gifts brought by her guests, the lady of the Scorpion clearly favours those gifts brought by the Mantis and the Crab (due to their care in words and choice of gift) over the presents brought by the Crane.
During the meeting, Shosuro Hyobu speaks freely with the party, allowing them to understand the scorpion present are the family leaders in this city, disturbed by the lack of order being kept. 
Shosuro Jocho has his fair share of licks as his guards were ambushed in the street, and Hyobu implores the new magistrates to keep an eye out for elements that would disturb the peace, such as bandits under the leadership of "Fade" that attack those who guard the people of the city.

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Session 11: At the gates of the Floating World

 Party: Daidoji Jinsoku, Doji Natsuki, Hida Ganko, Togashi Amajino, Yoritomo Shohei The party finds themselves escorting the Geisha Crescent...