Thursday, October 10, 2024

Session 3: Fanning Flames

 Party: Daidoji Jinsoku, Doji Natsuki, Hida Ganko, Yoritomi Shohei

During a slower period, time spanning about a week, the party began to explore Ryoko Owari, finding themselves drawn to places of interest alone or in pairs.

Yoritomo Shohei sought to find his center and studied the opportunities the city offered for training.
He came to Jotomon's Dojo, where the dojo's sensei (Kitsuki Jotomon) goaded him until she was pleased with the level of self-control the massive mantis displayed, allowing him to train on the grounds.
While there, Shohei met Ashidaka Michitaka, the brother of the former Emerald Magistrate, a man devoting a previously slothful life to avenging the murder of his kin. 

Hida Ganko, remembering the favour shown to him by the lady Hyobu, pondered how to gain an advantage for his companions and headed for the Shosuro palace, in the hopes of securing a strong alliance with ruling family.
While he failed to gain an audience, he did receive a carrier pidgeon that would be direct and discreet line to the Lady herself. 

Doji Natsuki and Daidoji Jinsoku, tired of the journey and seeking relaxation, went to the temple district, seeking out a teahouse (Ebisu's Grace) in the shadow of Daikoko's Temple. While seated, they were accosted by Ide Baranato. The wizened Unicorn diplomat warned them of the city's dangers, implying a strong lead for the investigation of the former Emerald magistrate's death could be found at the Juniper Teahouse. He also indicated that illegal opium was likely dealt there.

Regrouping after this, the party decided to visit the Juniper Teahouse and investigate it, but after a quick visit to the downstairs, they secured a talk with Hana, the leader of the Moment's Edge firemen. 
However, unaccustomed to the ways of Ryoko Owari, a lapse of judgement led to a conflict of opinions almost escalating into a lethal issue between Hida Ganko, Daidoji Jinsoku and the entire gang.
After Doji Natsuki defused the situation, Hana relented and implicated Bayushi Korechika as a person of interest, propping up the Strong Arm gang with illegal opium supplies.
When asked about it, he also mentioned his suppliers were the Soshi, but only strictly above the board. He offered to help the new Emerald Magistrates out with investigating the death of the previous Emerald Magistrate, after all, he is one of the prime providers of entertainment to the Thunder Guard when they are off duty...

Session 11: At the gates of the Floating World

 Party: Daidoji Jinsoku, Doji Natsuki, Hida Ganko, Togashi Amajino, Yoritomo Shohei The party finds themselves escorting the Geisha Crescent...